
Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Candidate for Dental Implants

When you want to replace missing teeth, affordable dental implants Houston might offer an option if you’re a good candidate. These implants provide a way to restore your smile and boost your confidence. Unlike dentures, dental implants stay in place, making them less noticeable to other people. In fact, these implants look so much like your natural teeth that it is very difficult to tell that they are artificial.

Whether you have lost a tooth or two from an injury or dental problems, dental implants can replace them. Dental implant procedures are generally considered safe, but they are not as effective for everyone. In order to get these implants, you’ll need to have certain factors taken into consideration to make sure that this procedure goes smoothly. Having dental implant specialists examine your mouth and go over your medical history helps determine if you are the ideal candidate for a dental implant.

Before deciding whether or not dental implants might be an option, it’s important for you to learn more about them. Find out more about what dental implants are and what kinds of benefits they offer, as well as what factors make you a good candidate for this kind of procedure.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants are made to hold artificial or replacement teeth in place. These implants are titanium posts that dental specialists place in your jaw where you have missing teeth. In traditional procedures, these posts are left in place while your jawbone heals and becomes fused to them. After this occurs, dental specialists in Houston attach a connecting piece to each implant and put the artificial tooth in place.

Depending on the type of procedure you’re having, this could take several weeks or months to complete. However, there are other options, such as same day dental implants, that take a much shorter amount of time. Dental specialists can help you decide which type of dental implant procedure is best for your situation.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Implants permanently replace missing teeth, preventing and improving social and health problems that result from missing teeth:

  • difficulty chewing or biting
  • malnourishment caused by an inability to chew
  • misalignment of the jaw and resulting pain or TMJ
  • embarrassment and self-consciousness
  • movement of other teeth to fill open space
  • changes in speech

What kinds of benefits do dental implants offer? These implants provide the following advantages:

  • Improved smiles: The main advantage of dental implants is that they can make your smile more attractive. If you have been avoiding smiling due to missing teeth, having implants can give you the confidence to fully smile again.
  • Confidence: Knowing that you no longer have missing teeth that are visible can provide you with a boost of confidence. This can improve your quality of life in many areas, including work and relationships.
  • Comfort: Dental implants should feel just like your natural teeth when they’re completed, unlike dentures, which can be uncomfortable to wear.
  • Fixed in place: With dental implants, you don’t have to deal with taking them out of your mouth from time to time as you would with dentures. Implants provide a more long-term option for replacing your teeth.
  • Easy care: You don’t need to follow special steps for keeping your dental implants in good condition as you would for cleaning dentures. Just make sure to brish and floss regularly and have routine dental visits.

Furthermore, those with missing teeth sometimes feel as if they are limited socially or professionally due to their appearance. Implants can improve your appearance, boost your self-confidence, keep your jaw aligned properly, and restore your ability to bite and chew without a struggle.

The very first step in getting dental implants is scheduling a consultation appointment to learn more about the procedure, determine your eligibility, develop a treatment plan, and learn about payment options. Each patient is different and requires a unique treatment plan.

Best Dental Implants Candidates

About one out of ten people in the adult populous is missing all teeth. That equals about 30 million US adults, while about 20 percent of adults are lacking all maxillary-rooted teeth. Some 20-30 percent of grown people are partially edentulous, while the number grows in older population groups, with those over 45 years old missing rear-area teeth in the maxillary region. At least four out of ten patients who are adults have lost some teeth in that region.

Edentulism can cause many problems to patients, including limits to function, physical decline, psycho-social issues and become disabling to those who suffer from it. Edentulism also has been shown to indicate a decline in general health and can be analyzed in major ways such as physical symptoms, function, social standing and in how well-being is perceived. How many teeth a person has is viewed as a key determiner of dental function and overall health. Research studies with various methodologies show that a key indicator for chewing efficiency is the number of teeth functioning in a patient. 

A review of the relationship in oral function and dentition indicated that people who have less than 20 teeth with just nine to 10 upper and lower teeth contacting suffer from impaired mastication efficiency, performance, and self-perceived chewing ability. Additionally, some evidence exists showing that reduced function in the elderly populations can be related to atrophy of muscles in the oral region, but it nonetheless has little impact. But researchers generally agree that those who wear dentures enjoy a mere 20 to 25 percent less viable bite strength than do individuals with all their natural teeth. It is clear, that when measured in demographic significance, edentulism represents a major burden in those whose lives are affected.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants? Since dental implants might not work for some people, it’s important to make sure that you’re considered a good candidate. Dental specialists can evaluate you to determine if these implants are suitable for you. In the meantime, keep the following factors in mind, since they help determine if you’re a good candidate:

  • Enough of jawbone: Dental implants won’t stay firmly in place unless there is enough jawbone around them. To be a good candidate, you should have plenty of jawbone to support these implants.
  • Gums that are healthy: Having healthy gums is an important part of being a suitable candidate for dental implants. If you have gum problems, you might run into problems during the healing process.
  • Good oral hygiene: Dental implants are relatively easy to care for compared to dentures. To keep them in good condition, you’ll need to be willing to have follow-up visits with your dentist. You’ll also need to brush and floss your teeth and gums regularly around these implants to prevent problems from occurring.

What happens if your dental specialist determines that you do not have enough jawbone for dental implants? You might still be able to get implants, but you’ll need to undergo bone grafting first.

Those with chronic diseases that are not well-controlled, heavy smokers, and those with gum disease or receding bone need to be evaluated thoroughly by a provider to determine eligibility.

Many patients need treatment before they can receive their first dental implant surgery. This may involve bone grafting, tissue grafting, or orthodontic treatment to make space for the implant. All of these factors will be included in the overall treatment plan and timeline provided during the consultation.

What to Expect from Bone Grafting

If you find out that you need bone grafting in Houston, this is a straightforward process that helps increase the amount of bone you have for supporting implants. This process involves removing bone pieces or fragments from other parts of your body or getting them from another source. These pieces of bone are added to your jawbone and allowed time to fuse. The healing process after bone grafting can take several weeks or months to occur. After this happens, you’ll be ready to start the dental implant process.

What if I Have Poor Bone Density?

Bone quality is generally poorest in the edentulous rear area of the maxilla compared to other intraoral regions. Clinical studies from research published during the past three decades shows that poorer bone density can decrease success of implant loading by an as much as 16 percent while some research shows that it can be a problem in four out of 10 patients.

Failures are due to factors such as bone strength. Low done density can mean bone is fifty percent weaker than bone in the frontal mandible. Densities influence surface contact with implant bone, accounting for forces transmitted. Patterns of stress tracked in poor bone density show migration toward the implant apex. That means that bone loss is pronounced more greatly on the implant body, instead of crestally.

Your Omega Specialist Dental clinicians are expert in understanding these factors and can plan your affordable dental implant care in the most optimal way to allow you to return your smile to the way it was before tooth loss.

Risk Factors for Dental Implants

The truth about dental implants is that they are not always the best option for tooth replacement. Why aren’t some people considered good candidates for dental implants? Underlying medical conditions and other factors might cause dental specialists to determine that dental implants would not work or would not be safe for these individuals. Keep in mind that dental implants are generally a safe procedure as long as you meet the requirements for being a suitable candidate.

Some of the factors that might prevent you from being able to get dental implants include the following:

  • Younger age: Children with jawbones that have not finished growing and developing might not be good candidate for dental implants.
  • Smoking: Being a smoker can interfere with the healing process after dental implant posts are placed in your jawbone. To lower the risk of complications, such as infections, dental specialists might not recommend dental implants for smokers.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Uncontrolled diabetes, immune system problems and some other medical conditions might increase the risk of complications during and after the dental implant procedure. Dental specialists will go over your medical history to help decide if you are a good candidate.
  • High-dose radiation: If you have had any high-dose radiation for head or neck problems, you might not be considered a suitable candidate for dental implants.
  • Pregnancy: Dental implants might not be a good option for women during pregnancy due to changes that can occur in the mouth at this time, such as gum problems.

Keep in mind that having one of these risk factors might not automatically mean you cannot get dental implants Houston. Having a consultation with a dental specialist is an important part of figuring out if dental implants are a safe and effective option for you.

Cost of Dental Implants

If dental specialists determine that you are a good candidate for dental implants, how much can you expect to pay for them? This depends on different factors, such as the type of implants you get. The cost of full mouth dental implants or just one dental implant can vary widely. For example, multiple tooth dental implants can range from a few thousand dollars to $90,000 or more. Single tooth dental implants can cost much less, such as just over $1,000 or up to $6,000.

Many patients suffering from tooth loss never explore dental implants because they believe they are too expensive or the recovery is too extensive and restrictive. To make a truly informed decision regarding dental implants, every patient owes themselves the gift of a consultation appointment to learn the real truth about implants and ensure they’re making a decision based on real numbers and accurate information that only an oral surgeon who has examined their mouth and reviewed their x-rays can provide.

The cost of dental implants Midtown Houston also includes prices for X-rays, abutments, crowns and materials. If you need an extraction to remove a badly damaged or decayed tooth, this will also add to the cost. If you need bone grafting done, you can also expect this to raise your overall cost for dental implants.

Where to Get Dental Implants in Houston Texas

Where can you go for cheap dental implants Houston TX? Omega Dental Specialists offers high-quality, affordable dental implants in Houston, so you can improve your smile and enjoy the other benefits that these they offer. Whether you get same day dental implants or traditional implants, our dental implant specialists can help you choose the best option to replace missing teeth.

Have you been wondering “am I a good candidate for dental implants?” We offer free dental implant consultations at our office. During this visit, our dental implant specialists will do an evaluation that takes several factors into account to determine the best option for tooth replacement. We will discuss these options with you at this visit. Keep in mind that there are different types of dental implants available, so it’s important to have some guidance in choosing the right one.

At Omega Dental Specialists, we strive to ensure that dental implants are affordable for our patients. We take many types of insurance, and we offer financing options to help you cover the cost of dental implants. During your visit, we will go over the cost and payment options with you.

If you’re ready to find out if dental implants are right for you, please contact Omega Dental Specialists today to schedule your free consultation.


Why Should I Choose Dental Implant Instead of Brdige?

Made In Such A Way That They Match Your Natural Teeth:

Dental implants are in the simplest of terms a type of permanent replacement tooth root. Implants are surgically inserted directly into the jawbone resulting in a robust and stable foundation that is fixed and permanent. This allows for replacement teeth that then match natural teeth to be placed permanently. There are other instances where replacement teeth can be of the removable type. Depending on the individual patient’s particular needs, an orthodontist will determine whether permanent or removable replacement teeth are the best option.

Designed To Eventually Fuse Permanently With Bone:

Here are a few basic examples of the advantages of dental implants that should be considered when determining whether or not they are the right choice for you. For example, dental implants are highly effective at improving visual appearances in such a way that they look like the patient’s natural teeth. Most importantly, because dental implants are designed to fuse permanently with bone eventually, they become a permanent part of the patient’s existing oral environment. Also, dental implants will have a direct impact on improving speech. Poorly fitted dentures can slip and shift in the mouth causing words to be slurred or mumbled. Dental implants prevent this and allow the patient to speak without any speech impediment.

Eliminating Discomfort And Inconvenience:

Also, dental implants can be expected to provide improved levels of general comfort for the patient. This is simply because they become a permanent part of the patient eliminating the discomfort and inconvenience of routinely having to remove dentures. As a note, dentures also require cleaning and maintenance in addition to other types of care. These kinds of issues are effectively eliminated when choosing to have dental implant technology. Equally impressive is that eating is more natural and easier with implants. Ask any denture wearer, and they will tell you that sliding dentures can cause chewing and eating to become very difficult. Dental type implants perform exactly like your natural teeth. This enables you to eat your favorite foods and enjoy better nutrition without experiencing pain or inconvenience.

Implants Clearly Improve Oral Health As A Whole:

Dental implants can also be credited with improving personal self-esteem and self-consciousness related issues. In short, implants will give you back your beautiful smile and help you feel better about yourself as well as who you are as a person. Not surprisingly, this is one of the more frequently cited reasons that people choose to have dental implants over other types of tooth replacement solutions whenever teeth have been lost for one reason or another. Dental implants clearly improve oral health as a whole. This is because they do not require modifying or reducing other surrounding teeth. For example, a tooth supported bridge demands that surrounding teeth be reduced and altered to affix devices that will support the bridge.

Implants Can Be Expected To Last A Lifetime:

Dental implants are highly desirable simply because they do not require the alteration of other teeth for support. When natural teeth are left intact oral health benefits. In short, leaving natural teeth unaltered improves long-term oral health and wellness. Individual implants make it easier to access the spaces between teeth for flossing and brushing. They have remarkable durability and can be expected to last for many years and even decades. With proper care implants can even be expected to last a lifetime. Finally, implants are far superior to removable dentures simply because they are permanent and do not require regular removal. Dental implants do away with embarrassing moments where dentures must be inconveniently removed at the worst possible time. This combined with having to deal with messy adhesives designed to keep dentures in place can make dentures high maintenance by anyone’s standards.

Advanced To Such A High Degree Of Perfection:

As a final note, patients should be happy to know that dental implants enjoy a very high success rate overall. That said each patient’s case is unique and different and must be taken into account on a case-by-case basis. Overall success also depends on where implants are placed in the jaw. All these thoughts aside implant technology have evolved and advanced to such a high degree of perfection that nearly 99% success rates are typical. Talk with your orthodontist to determine whether or not dental implants are right for you. With proper care, implants will deliver years and decades of reliable and dependable service for patients of all ages.

As a bonus, dental implants offer patients natural-looking teeth without any adverse side effects such as worn-out natural teeth or sagging facial skin. Protecting existing healthy natural teeth and keeping the shape of your face can be as easy as choosing the implant option. Implants are also highly effective at protecting the jawbone from deterioration over time. As a note, it is essential to meet with your oral surgeon or periodontist to make sure that you are indeed the right candidate for dental implants. Here are 13 excellent reasons to consider choosing dental implants as a way to restore your smile and your dental health.

  1. Unlike dentures, bridgework, or root canal therapy, implants are easier to restore and easier to repair. Also, implants are much simpler to maintain and have a higher success rate overall.
  2. Dental implants, by their very nature, protect your natural teeth very effectively. As compared to tooth-supported bridges that require natural healthy teeth to be ground down to accept a crown, dental implants are far less destructive in this regard. Stated, the tooth-supported bridge installation process ruins natural healthy teeth. Because dental implants are positioned directly into the jawbone, they have no impact on surrounding healthy teeth.
  3. Most importantly, implants help to prevent existing teeth from shifting or moving out of place, as would be the case if there were space between the teeth.
  4. With implants, there is no need to worry about becoming embarrassed, as would be the case with dentures. While denture adhesives do work to some degree, there is still a tendency for dentures to fallout while laughing, eating, talking, or smiling. Even kissing, coughing, or yawning can cause dentures to fall. Because implants are permanently fixed, they act just like healthy teeth and will not move.
  5. With dental implants, there is never a concern for the possibility of cavities. That said, implants do require care and maintenance the same way natural teeth require upkeep. This includes flossing, brushing, and visiting the dentist at regular intervals. In short, the restorative component of dental implants will never have cavities.
  6. Implants allow an individual to eat naturally, while those who wear dentures are always conscious when eating. With dental implants, eating, biting, and chewing food is entirely natural. Eating normally just as people do with natural teeth can be as easy as choosing dental implants. Building self-esteem and confidence is an added benefit of choosing modern implant technology.
  7. Speaking naturally is more assured when dental implants are embraced. It is a proven fact that dentures can alter the way a person talks. At times it is even a struggle to pronounce words. This does not happen with dental implants.
  8. Dentures can be troublesome and require constant removal, care, and maintenance. With implants, your teeth stay inside your mouth permanently. In most cases, dentures require removal each night for cleaning and soaking. Have the added confidence to know that your dental work is permanent by choosing implants.
  9. Dental implants are very effective at protecting the jawbone. Much research and years of experience have shown that empty spaces between teeth tend to cause jawbone deterioration over time. Implants are designed to fill in the gaps, thereby preserving natural bone and stimulating natural bone growth healthily and organically.
  10. Having a natural-looking face and a vibrant smile can be as simple as choosing a dental implant system. While dentures may cause the face to sag, implants do not alter the shape of the face affording a more natural and sustainable option for patients.
  11. With implants, there is no worry of embarrassment. Dental implant technology has evolved over the years resulting in an amazingly natural look, so there is never a worry of projecting an unnatural smile. With dentures, patients often become uncomfortable and end up losing their confidence when around other people. Implants prevent this from happening.
  12. stated, implants are durable, long-lasting, and exceptionally resilient. In fact, in many cases, implants can last an entire lifetime. Dentures, on the other hand, are intended to only last between seven and ten years. This is reason alone to consider all the dental implant technology has to offer thoughtfully.
  13. Finally, dental implants are considered robust, stable, and secure. Implant technology is so good today that it can restore lost teeth as if they were never lost in the first place. This is a crucial consideration, especially because other dental replacement options often lead to deterioration of bone and can ultimately interfere with smiling, speaking, eating, and a wide range of other activities.

These are just a few of the key aspects of cosmetic dentistry and dental implants that should be considered by patients looking for a smart alternative to dentures and bridges. Years of experience and the hard work of many dedicated periodontists and oral surgeons have resulted in a type of dental science and advanced technology that has become highly dependable and incredibly successful. Meet with our dental implant specialists today to learn more about this innovative, unique, and rewarding dental care option. Today, looking great has never been so close at hand. 

What Do I Need to Do After Implant Surgery?

With proper care, dental implants show a success rate of 98% and can last a lifetime. The care required by dental implants is no more than a good oral health routine; you should brush and floss at least twice daily, use mouthwash, and schedule routine dental cleanings and exams.Anyone who has recently had dental implants placed to replace missing teeth may find these tips and tricks useful when it comes to caring for those dental implants. Considered to be the most reliable replacement option available today for natural teeth, dental implants typically end up being stronger and more resilient than even real teeth. Here are a few excellent ways of maintaining dental implants in the best condition possible. For example, there are certain things to consider about eating and drinking once having dental implants placed. In most cases, implants are tough enough to handle virtually any type of everyday food or beverage. That said it is always best to avoid using your teeth to open a container and to avoid chewing on particularly hard food like hard candy.

These actions can result in future damage to dental implants just as natural teeth could become damaged. It is also a good idea to avoid drinking hot beverages. This is because implants use titanium posts or screws to hold them securely in place.  If a drink is too hot to touch with your fingertips, it may be too hot for a dental implant. 

Another tip for managing dental implants on a routine basis is to avoid using an electric toothbrush and to use a traditional toothbrush instead to maintain good oral hygiene and oral care. When it comes to flossing it is best to floss in a very delicate and deliberate way while working around dental implants. Aggressive or abrasive flossing could end up damaging the seal around the implant enabling bacteria to gain access to the bone. This can be damaging and may result in an infection and pain.

Today many types of instruments can be used to clean around dental implants, and that will not disrupt the seal that is securely in place. Whatever the case may be and regardless of the type of instrument used, approach the cleaning and care of dental implants in a delicate and precise way is always the best strategy. Some dental care providers may recommend a WaterPik as a way to remove food particles. However, when using a WaterPik be very careful because forceful water spray may end up damaging an implant socket. If using a WaterPik, it is best to use it on the lowest pressure setting available. Finally, routine regular dental checkups are one of the best ways to keep dental implants in top condition year after year.

How often Do I need to clean my Dental Implants?

Regular dental checkups are important because in many cases a dental care provider may see early telltale signs of problems that the patient may not notice. Plan to have checkups spaced about every six months apart. In other words, regular dental checkups should be accomplished twice each year. When having a dental checkup, it is good to let your dental hygienist or dental care provider know that you have dental implants. This is an important consideration because the routine cleaning of dental implants is different than cleaning for natural teeth. Along with regular dental checkups, it is typically recommended to have an implant specialist check your implants at least once a year to ensure overall integrity and the health of surrounding tissue.

The early detection of problems is always the best approach to maintaining good dental health and wellness. Whether it is your natural teeth or dental implants, keeping a dental care provider in the loop and having routine checkups is the best way to enjoy long-term dental health. In many cases, dental implants can last decades and even up to a lifetime. For this to be possible, it is important to care for and maintain implants in the right way. Consider these simple yet important tips as discussed here to keep dental implants looking great and functioning properly at all times. If you have any other questions regarding dental implants and their proper care it is best to schedule an appointment with your dental care provider or oral surgeon. Dental implants have improved the quality of life for countless patients over the years thanks to their innovation and record of impressive reliability.

What Is The Age Limit For Dental Implant?

Life expectancy has increased more rapidly since 1960 than at any other time in history. Because tooth loss is directly related to age, a growing number of adults suffer from missing teeth and the disadvantages of tooth loss.

The goal of modern dentistry is to restore the patient to normal contour, function, comfort, esthetics, speech, and health, whether by removing decay from a tooth or by replacing several teeth. What makes implant dentistry unique is the ability to achieve this goal, regardless of the tooth atrophy, disease, or injury to teeth.

The more teeth a patient is missing, the more challenging this task becomes. But, as a result of continued research, diagnostic tools, treatment planning, implant designs, materials, and techniques, predictable success is now a reality for the rehabilitation of many challenging clinical situations. That makes the case for patients in determining more readily to choose to have dental implants. The numbers reflect that reality. Dental implants used in the United States increased more than tenfold from 1983 to 2002, and another fivefold from 2000 to 2005.

Today, more than 1 million dental implants are placed each year. This number continues to increase steadily, with almost $550 million of implant products sold to North American dentists in 2005, compared with $10 million in 1983. The growth expected yearly growth rate is expected to be sustained at 12 percent to 15 percent for the next several years.

More than 90 percent of surgical specialty dentists provide dental implant treatment on a routine basis in their practices, 90 percent of Prosthodontists restore implants routinely, and more than 80 percent of general dentists have used implants to support fixed and removable prostheses. That compares to only 65 percent of general dentists just a mere 15 years ago.

There are a number of reasons for the increased use of implant-related treatments as patients and society, in general, become more aware of them. They include factors such as:

  • aging population living longer
  • tooth loss related to age
  • consequences of fixed prosthesis failure
  • anatomical consequences of tooth loss
  • the poor performance of removable prostheses
  • consequences of removable partial dentures
  • psychological aspects of tooth loss and needs and desires of aging baby boomers
  • more predictable long-term results of implant-supported prostheses
  • advantages of implant-supported restorations

Aging is a special factor in the need for dental implants. In many patients, aging is directly related to every indicator of tooth loss. Think just how different life expectations were in the historical past. When Alexander the Great conquered the ancient world, he was only 17 years old. However, life expectancy at that time was only 22 years of age. From 1000 BC to AD 1800, lifespan remained less than 30 years.

A person of that era would be shocked to see the longevity of people today, as life spans continue to expand well beyond normal retirement age. In 1965, the average lifespan was 65 years; in 1990 it was 78 years. Life expectancy in 2001 was 85 years for a nonsmoking individual of normal weight. A 65-year-old person can now expect to live more than 20 additional years, and an 80-year old can expect to live 9.5 more years

That’s why it is not unusual or illogical for a 70-year-old patient to ask, “Is it worth it for me to spend $20,000 to 30,000 to repair my mouth at my age?”

The response from dentists should be very positive, as the patient’s life expectancy will likely extend for two more decades, and their current oral situation will normally become worse if not corrected. Social pleasures, including dining and dating, can continue throughout advanced life. There is a greater reason than ever for patients to consider the amazing benefits and life-changing advantages of dental implants.