How Does Laser Gum Surgery Treat Gum Disease?

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Causes of Periodontal Disease:
Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease. The difference is that periodontal disease is nothing more than gum disease in its advanced state. When gum disease gets in an advanced state, laser gum surgery becomes a treatment option. To expand on what periodontal disease is, it is an infection of the tissues that support teeth and its bones that hold it in place. What causes periodontal disease? This condition can be caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc.), medications, and genetics.
Periodontal Disease Treatment:
What should you expect when you visit a periodontist for treatment? The usual way that periodontal disease gets treated is by scaling and root planning also known as SRP. Scaling and root planning is a non-surgical technique that cleanses the surface of the teeth and its roots that become exposed when gum recession is present. The cleanse removes plaque, bacteria, and tartar surrounding the areas around the root. When a periodontist removes all of the harmful substances and debris healthy gums will be promoted and the gum’s tissues will be regenerated gradually with proper after-care. As an alternative treatment gum flap surgery might be performed if the periodontal disease seems to be severe. This surgery involves cutting the flap of the gum tissue in order to deep clean the surrounding areas of the roots and the roots itself. Once the cleansing is complete, the gum tissue is properly sutured back and free to heal.
How Does Laser Gum Therapy Work?
Laser therapy is one of the newest forms of dentistry treatment that has fully developed and allowed periodontists to perform gum surgery safely on patients. Laser therapy is also known as periodontal laser therapy. It uses a dental laser to gain access to the gums that have become inflamed and remove the gum tissue from the root of the tooth. When the laser has removed the gum tissue that has been infected the root has to be exposed so that root scaling can take place. Root scaling involves scraping off calculus as well as plaque that has been built up just below the lining of the gum located around the root. After the scraping, the roots are smoothed back using dental instruments that remove rough spots that have the potential to attract bacteria and cause additional infections in the future. Once this process is completed, the gums, roots, and the surrounding areas can heal and become regenerated.
Risks and Benefits of Laser Gum Surgery:
According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there are a great number of benefits when using lasers for treating diseased gum tissue. What are the benefits? The benefits of laser gum surgery include not needing a general anesthetic. Sometimes it will be used for dental surgeries of other types but for this particular type of surgery it is not needed. The usage of lasers has been practiced and developed over time and now using lasers in a dental practice has now proven itself to be precise when targeting diseased areas with pinpoint accuracy. Worried about pain? Bleeding, swelling, and pain are will not be experienced as much due to laser gum surgery being less invasive compared the regular dental surgery. Recovery and healing times are variably shorter as well? Are there any risks? The only risk is the wavelength (power level) that your periodontist or gum surgeon uses in regard to the laser that is being used to perform laser gum surgery. The wavelength is important because if an inappropriate wavelength is chosen your gum tissue may be at risk of damage.
What is the cost of Laser Gum Surgery?
How much does laser gum surgery cost? It may sound expensive but before you assume that this procedure is pricey there is something you should know. Laser gum surgery and regular gum surgery all depend on the severity of the gum disease which is why if you call a dentist and ask him or her the price for gum surgery you will not get a general answer. Before a price range can be given the dentist has to examine your teeth and gums first. This is when the consultation appointment sets in. The consultation visit gives the dentist an idea of what you are dealing with. This is the proper time for your dentist to give you treatment options and suggestions. You are free to ask questions about what the treatment will involve, how much it will cost, and any other questions you may have. Laser dental surgery can be less expensive than you think. The treatment involves fewer visits to the dentist and less medication. If you find yourself worrying about how to pay for this treatment check your health insurance policy. Some health insurance policies will reimburse you when you get gum surgery no matter what device is used to perform it. You never know if you don’t check your insurance. You may have options to choose from regarding how you choose to get it done. The amount of money it takes to get the treatment will more than likely be about the same as if you were getting the treatment done regularly.
Dental Care After Gum Surgery:
What to avoid inflammation? The best way to avoid inflammation is to practice good oral hygiene after the treatment takes place. You can discuss with your dentist a good, daily hygiene program that you can practice every day to take care of your teeth and gums. To get a good idea of maintaining healthy oral hygiene after laser gum surgery brush your teeth daily and rinse with a mouthwash that is ideal for antimicrobial for teeth and gums. The ideal mouthwash with offers healing properties for gums that are irritated. Stop smoking or reduce tobacco use to reduce infections in the future. If your dentist has given you special aftercare instructions be sure to follow them for faster healing and a smoother healing process.To speak with a trusted dental specialist about undergoing laser gum surgery book an appointment at Omega Dental Specialist. We’ll make you feel right at home with our friendly staff, our trusted dentists, state of the art equipment, and family-friendly atmosphere.