Why Should I Replace My Missing Teeth?

Maxillary or the upper jaw posterior edentulism is a very common dental situation with about seven percent of the U.S. population of adults missing most or all their maxillary teeth. Some also have mandibular dentition, which notably occurs 30 out of a hundred times more often than complete mandibular edentulism.
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How many people are missing teeth?
About one out of ten people in the adult populous is missing all teeth. That equals about 30 million US adults, while about 20 percent of adults are lacking all maxillary-rooted teeth. Some 20-30 percent of grown people are partially edentulous, while the number grows in older population groups, with those over 45 years old missing rear-area teeth in the maxillary region. At least four out of ten patients who are adults have lost some teeth in that region.
Edentulism can cause many problems to patients, including limits to function, physical decline, psycho-social issues and become disabling to those who suffer from it. Edentulism also has been shown to indicate a decline in general health and can be analyzed in major ways such as physical symptoms, function, social standing and in how well-being is perceived. How many teeth a person has is viewed as a key determiner of dental function and overall health. Research studies with various methodologies show that a key indicator for chewing efficiency is the number of teeth functioning in a patient.
A review of the relationship in oral function and dentition indicated that people who have less than 20 teeth with just nine to 10 upper and lower teeth contacting suffer from impaired mastication efficiency, performance, and self-perceived chewing ability. Additionally, some evidence exists showing that reduced function in the elderly populations can be related to atrophy of muscles in the oral region, but it nonetheless has little impact. But researchers generally agree that those who wear dentures enjoy a mere 20 to 25 percent less viable bite strength than do individuals with all their natural teeth. It is clear, that when measured in demographic significance, edentulism represents a major burden in those whose lives are affected.
What Are The Dental Implants Options?
The maxillary posterior region is generally among the most probable area to require implants to use in supporting dentures or partials. The maxillary posterior region is a common but challenging area in implant practices although well-developed treatment methods now result in the region seeing predictable success in implant treatment compared to other regions of the mouth and jaw.
Surgical methods such as sinus grafting have allowed increases in bone height to be available routinely while onlay grafts can also increase the width of bone to allow additional surgical methods to place implants in bone were density is a challenge. Maxillary sinus grafting to manage reduced vertical bone availability has become a more and more popular procedure in the last 20 years after it was introduced in the 1970 and continuing studies have been written to show that such grafting enjoys success at greater than 90 percent.
Edentulous Alveolar Ridge Anatomy Concerns
Specific conditions of the edentulous alveolar ridge anatomy in the rear-area maxilla can make a patient a less favorable implant candidate. Alveolar bone height may not be available in the area due to periodontal issues and tooth loss. The maxilla has a thinner cortical plate in comparison with the mandible and the trabecular bone of the rear-area maxilla may be finer than other regions. The loss of teeth can result in decreased bone width hindering the labial bony plate and the posterior maxilla width decreases far more quickly rate than other jaw areas. The resorption phenomenon in which resorption occurs is sped up by the loss of blood flow in the alveolar in trabecular bone types.
Special Considerations for the Posterior Maxilla
The crown height space should be considered before the implant is placed. When the occlusal plane is restored or modified in the proper way, crown height space in ideal perspective must be longer than 8 mm. When less space is available clinically for reconstruction, many dentists perform a gingivectomy since excess tissue or thick tissue may be in the clinical area. If reducing tissue does not correct the crown height situation, sometimes osteoplasty or osteotomy of the maxillary rear area alveolar process can be completed to help restore ridge orientation before surgery is performed.
What if I Have Poor Bone Density?
Bone quality is generally poorest in the edentulous rear area of the maxilla compared to other intraoral regions. Clinical studies from research published during the past three decades shows that poorer bone density can decrease success of implant loading by an as much as 16 percent while some research shows that it can be a problem in four out of 10 patients.
Failures are due to factors such as bone strength. Low done density can mean bone is fifty percent weaker than bone in the frontal mandible. Densities influence surface contact with implant bone, accounting for forces transmitted. Patterns of stress tracked in poor bone density show migration toward the implant apex. That means that bone loss is pronounced more greatly on the implant body, instead of crestally.
Your Omega Specialist Dental clinicians are expert in understanding these factors and can plan your affordable dental implant care in the most optimal way to allow you to return your smile to the way it was before tooth loss.
Dental Implant Financing
If your insurance plan does not cover the complete implant costs, our team can help to organize payment options and/or financing. That can include third-party lenders in some cases. We will assist you in finding a financing arrangement to pay for your care based upon your unique need.