
Is it braces better than Invisalign

Invisalign and Braces Alternatives


When deciding between braces and Invisalign for orthodontic treatment, several factors should be considered, including the complexity of the dental issues, aesthetic preferences, lifestyle, and cost. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision:



Suitable for Complex Cases: Braces are highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe misalignment, overcrowding, and significant bite problems. They use metal brackets and wires to apply continuous pressure, effectively moving teeth into the desired position.

Predictable Results: Braces provide more precise control over tooth movement, which can lead to more predictable and often quicker results for complex cases.


Best for Mild to Moderate Issues: Invisalign is effective for treating mild to moderate orthodontic problems. It may not be suitable for more complex cases, such as severe misalignment or significant bite issues.

Less Force: Invisalign applies gentler force compared to braces, which might limit its effectiveness for certain dental corrections.



Visible: Traditional metal braces are quite noticeable, although options like ceramic braces and lingual braces (placed behind the teeth) are less conspicuous.

No Removal: Braces are fixed and cannot be removed, which means they are constantly visible until treatment is complete.


Nearly Invisible: Invisalign aligners are clear and virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults and teens who prefer a discreet treatment option.

Removable: Aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and special occasions, which adds to their aesthetic appeal.

Comfort and Convenience


Discomfort: Braces can cause discomfort, especially after adjustments. They can also irritate the inside of the mouth due to the brackets and wires.

No Removal Required: Since braces are fixed, there’s no need to remember to put them back in after eating or cleaning, making them a low-maintenance option in terms of daily routines.


Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic, which can be more comfortable and less irritating to the mouth compared to metal braces.

Requires Discipline: Aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours a day for effective treatment, requiring a high level of discipline and responsibility.

Maintenance and Oral Hygiene


Challenging to Clean: Braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult, potentially leading to plaque buildup and other oral hygiene issues if not properly maintained.

Durable: They are durable and do not need to be removed, which eliminates the risk of losing them.


Easier to Clean: Since aligners are removable, it’s easier to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing without obstruction.

Risk of Loss: Aligners can be misplaced or lost, which can disrupt treatment and add to the overall cost.


Braces and Invisalign:

Similar Costs: The cost of Invisalign and traditional braces is generally comparable, ranging from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of the case and the duration of treatment.

Insurance Coverage: Both treatments may be covered by dental insurance, and many orthodontists offer payment plans to make the treatments more affordable.


Braces are generally better for complex dental issues and provide more predictable results. They are also a good option for individuals who may struggle with the discipline required to wear aligners consistently.

Invisalign is ideal for those with mild to moderate orthodontic problems who prefer a nearly invisible and more comfortable treatment option. However, it requires a high level of compliance to be effective.Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific dental needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Consulting with an orthodontist can provide tailored advice to help you make the best decision for your situation.

Is Invisalign Right For You?

Patients wishing to straighten their teeth may find that Invisalign is a smart choice. In fact, there are a number of obvious benefits worth considering when it comes to choosing Invisalign over traditional braces. Not surprisingly, crooked teeth or misaligned bites can have a direct impact on one’s health and overall social life. Braces were traditionally used for many years to straighten teeth in a slow but steady fashion. Invisalign came along a few decades ago and made the entire process more convenient and much less obvious.

The most obvious benefits of Invisalign include enjoying a more pleasing visual appearance as well as improved oral functionality. Some of the advantages associated with Invisalign are clearly cosmetic in nature. Invisalign is less obvious and almost virtually invisible when being worn. The clear aligners inherent in the Invisalign system make the technology desirable for those who may be concerned about social interactions while trying to straighten their teeth.


Both Invisalign and braces are designed to improve your oral health and your smile by straightening your teeth. It is also important to note that both modalities have very high success rates with little complications. They both offer incredible results in the form of improving oral functionality and restoring a beautiful smile. Invisalign first made its way into the dental care scene around the year 2000. Braces go back much further regarding their origination. That said Invisalign Express and Invisalign do not have the same history and track record as braces. However, a body of very positive substantial evidence is growing each year.


Understanding Braces

Consisting primarily of metal brackets that are bonded to the teeth, braces are connected by wires and tiny rubber bands needed to produce the desired results. These days, patients can choose brackets that more perfectly match the enamel color of their teeth. This results in braces that are much more discreet and less noticeable. In some cases, patients choose to get bright or flashy colors as a way to make an impressive fashion statement while straightening teeth at the same time. Either way, braces have an excellent track record for straightening teeth in an efficient and reliable way.


Understanding Invisalign

In contrast to braces, Invisalign and Invisalign are intended to be virtually invisible. Patients of any age can feel confident and comfortable in wearing clear aligners that will rarely be noticed by others. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to self-image and self-esteem related issues. Invisalign solves this problem by straightening teeth in an invisible and subtle fashion. When using this type of arrangement to straighten teeth, aligner trays are worn directly over the teeth to slowly, subtly and gently shift teeth to the desired position. The aligner trays are comfortable, smooth and made of clear translucent plastic that is BPA-free. Your dental care provider will use a combination of pictures, x-rays and teeth impressions to create an exact 3D image of your teeth. This 3D image is then used to configure aligners that are individually custom crafted to fit your exact dental needs.

Invisalign is a removable type of technology that makes it easy and convenient to eat, drink and enjoy life to the fullest. Eating your favorite foods without concern is best achieved by using the teeth straightening system known as Invisalign. Also, Invisalign is considered very easy to care for on a daily basis. All that is required is to remove the aligners and then brush and floss your teeth as you normally would. This is a key consideration when talking about teeth straightening systems. In short, Invisalign facilitates better oral care and oral hygiene. When teeth can be cleaned and flossed normally, they will benefit substantially. Metal braces that feature wires and brackets can make it very difficult to maintain normal oral hygiene and good dental care.

Also worth considering is the fact that Invisalign is by and large far more comfortable than traditional metal braces. The aligners are flexible and custom-made. They are designed to fit easily into the mouth while rarely causing any appreciable amount of discomfort. This in itself is a good reason to choose Invisalign over traditional metal braces. Also worth noting is that the technology is convenient and only requires switching aligners at periodic intervals. This precludes the necessity of having painful adjustments, as is the case with metal braces.


Which System Will Be Best For Your Specific Needs?

While both Invisalign and braces are highly effective at straightening teeth, they each have certain specific benefits and advantages that must be considered. For example, braces are not removable while Invisalign Express and Invisalign are completely removable. Also, braces make it very obvious that the patient is having teeth straightening treatment performed. Invisalign is almost completely invisible and hard to detect. Regarding treatment time, braces can take on average about two years to achieve the desired results depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth. When Invisalign is used and assuming that the patient wears the aligner trays for at least 22 hours per day, the treatment can be completed in anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Invisalign Express is obviously an even much quicker process.

Is There Any Alternative for Invisalign?

Traditional metal braces are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Invisalign has taken the dental world by storm, straightening teeth and giving people the gift of a perfect smile, but it comes at a pretty high cost. Fortunately, there are some alternatives to Invisalign that are more affordable and can still get you a great smile. While Invisalign is still the industry standard that has the best track record of success, the following options may be an excellent fit for you and your budget.

Smile Direct Club

One of the more expensive parts of Invisalign treatment is the constant orthodontic maintenance and monitoring that is required. Smile Direct Club takes a lot of that cost out of the equation. A client scans their mouth and sends the 3-D image to Smile Direct Club which has an orthodontist develop customized aligners and a plan for straightening the client’s teeth. The aligners are then sent to the client and they begin their treatment. It’s far less expensive than Invisalign, but there are some factors to consider. You won’t be getting individual attention along the way from an orthodontist, so if something happens that is unexpected along the way, it’s harder to address. In addition, the process of getting the right type of impressions and scans can be tricky and cause problems.

Overseas Alignment Alternatives

The United States isn’t the only country in the dental alignment business. Companies like ClearPath (located in the Middle East) and K-Line (housed in Germany) have established themselves as a viable option for a better smile. These companies are still new and don’t have the proven track record of others, but they are gaining popularity abroad. As a result, many people in the United States have begun looking into them as a less expensive alternative to Invisalign.

Clear Correct

Another alternative to Invisalign is Clear Correct. This system also provides clear aligners at a lower cost. Clear Correct has been shown to provide good results, but many orthodontists still prefer using Invisalign for a number of reasons. The resources available to orthodontists are more extensive with Invisalign, but Clear Correct has proven to be very successful in teeth alignment. If you a patient, the biggest difference you may notice would be in the check you write.


Known for having a smoother aligner, Ormco is a company that provides a variety of dental supply products. The aligners made by Ormco are known to do a great job and many dentists are happy to use this product. Truthfully, Ormco aligners are similarly priced to Invisalign. The difference may or may not be in the feeling of the aligners themselves. Invisalign is indeed the tried and true product with years of research and lots of resources for orthodontists using their product.

Making Alignment More Affordable

There are a lot of “do-it-yourself” products on the market that claim to straighten your teeth. Orthodontists strongly warn patients against these types of products for a number of reasons. Anything to do with your dental structure should be carefully done by a qualified and licensed professional. Anything that goes wrong with a DIY approach to straightening your teeth can cause significant damage. If you are interested in straightening your teeth to get the best possible smile, most orthodontists have a system in place to make it more affordable. Talk to your insurance provider and certainly work with the orthodontist’s office to coordinate treatment. You may have some or all of the Invisalign covered in your plan. Furthermore, don’t be shy about talking about a payment schedule. Providers of Invisalign treatment understand that the whole amount is expensive, and they can almost always work with your budget to create an affordable payment structure. Contact us today to discuss how we can give you the smile of your dreams.