
What you need to know about Invisalign Houston


What is Invisalign?

If your teeth aren’t as straight as you’d like for them to be Invisalign Houston is an option and a great alternative to regular, metal braces. Misaligned teeth can be damaging to your self-confidence so why make it worse by wondering what you will look like with metal braces? There is nothing wrong with metal braces due to the fact that they do their job of aligning your teeth correctly. Cleaning metal braces can be a regular high maintenance job as opposed to Invisalign. There seems to be more pros than cons when thinking about the benefits of Invisalign braces over metal braces. Need more information to decide if you’d rather have Invisalign braces? Here it is:

What are the advantages of Invisalign Houston?

In what ways is Invisalign a better choice than traditional braces? Clearly, appearance is one of the biggest advantages upfront. The typical brace pattern work across the teeth are not present. However, even more, advantageous is the lack of irritation and pain that occurs with braces against the inner lips and mouth surface. Traditional braces are not known for being “ergonomic” to the rest of the mouth. As a result, their edges and wiring often cut the mouth inner surface, and that’s in addition to the tension on the teeth. The reduction in discomfort with Invisalign is a big plus for patients.


Would you rather wear metal braces or clear braces out in public? You will be smiling while being in the company of friends, right? I think you can all agree that Invisalign clear braces would be better suited for situations like these. If you have an on the go lifestyle, you hang out often with friends and family, or love shedding some joy with your smile, clear braces are for you. Some people feel self-conscious about their metal braces when smiling which destroys the purpose. Braces, in general, are meant to align your teeth so you can have a beautiful smile and feel confident doing it. Some people embrace their metal braces and others don’t take well to them. When wearing Invisalign clear braces, you will see a major difference. They look like they are not braces at all and give the impression that you are not wearing anything.


May calls are made to an orthodontist office because metal braces are uncomfortable. In some cases, the braces need alterations to them and other times it is because the wearer is not used to them. Most people believe that a person who wears metal braces is stuck with them for a certain period of time. This is usually the case most of the time and only a dentist can tell you when it is time for the braces to come off since they are the only ones who can remove them. Just knowing that you are stuck with metal braces and any discomforts it provides can be worrisome. Invisalign clear braces can be removed at any time by the wearer which makes this the most comfortable option for clients. Invisalign clear braces can be removed for short periods of time as you choose. The ability to remove your clear braces make it easy for you to preserve them too especially when it comes time to eat or drink. Drinking things such as wine or coffee can stain your clear braces, so you may want to take them out for this brief time and place them in its original case.

Safer Option:

Invisalign clear braces are a much safer option than metal braces alone. Metal braces have wires and metal bits that have a higher chance of getting punctured and damaged. These parts also scratch the inside of the mouth and can even reach the gums causing uncomfortable sensations and bleeding. Conventional metal braces can affect tooth decay due to its force used to protect the teeth. Invisalign clear braces do not have any of these things and are smooth and comfortable to wear. Clear braces are the most natural teeth aligning braces you could have. These types of braces reduce the risk for cavities and gum disease.

Brushing is a Breeze:

Brushing your teeth with metal braces takes more time than it does with Invisalign clear braces. Metal braces involve the removal of inter-arch bands and a brushing technique that includes brushing braces in a certain way. Brushing with metal braces can be a bit of a hassle for those who second guess themselves about how clean their teeth really are underneath the metal braces. When you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth with traditional braces you may be surprised to realize what food particles got stuck in between your braces. In an attempt to get the particles out you chance damaging or breaking your braces. Wearers of Invisalign don’t have to worry about any kind of dental brushing hassles. The only thing to be cautious of if you wear clear braces is to not brush too hard. This can damage the braces if you are too rough with them. Brushing your teeth with clear braces is easy. It is as simple as taking your clear braces out and washing them like you do your own teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, water, and a toothbrush. After this, you are free to brush your own teeth the same way as you would regularly do. This is a simple method that involves no change of routine. Don’t forget to floss regularly.

Treatment Duration:

Most young people are worried about how long they need to wear braces. After all, they have their own lives to live and a reputation to uphold right? The average person who wears metal braces has to wear them for five years. In other cases, it depends on the dentist’s orders and how bad the misalignment is. The average Invisalign wearer has to keep wearing their clear braces for up to a year and a half to achieve the results of getting their teeth visibly straight. It is not necessary to wait five years anymore if you choose not to. Waiting for the duration of time that your dentist gives you can be damaging for people who consider their smile necessary to their job such as a spokesperson, a model, actress, or car dealer or real estate agent.

Invisalign Houston Result Expectations:

Instead of making multiple trips to the dentist to figure out how long you may have to wear metal braces, you will already know what to expect with Invisalign. Metal braces may seem like trial and error but with clear braces, you get treatment plans that tell you how long you have to wear your clear braces and what you should expect even before you begin wearing them.

Invisalign clear braces are slightly costlier than metal braces but with the benefits heavily outweighing the disadvantages, you decide if it is money well spent on your investment. You lessen the risk of gum and teeth issues while obtaining a confident smile faster than normal. If you’re considering braces for teeth straightening it’s important to explore an additional option you may not be aware of: Invisalign. This advanced system to dental improvement makes braces seem like an ancient approach from the past. However, we know that patients need to know more than just a sentence or two about their alternative treatment options, including clear braces and Invisalign. Here are answers to frequent questions that people can have:

The effectiveness of Invisalign:

Does Invisalign work just as well as traditional braces or is there a benefit loss? If a patient follows all the necessary directions and guidance, and uses the trays for the prescribed time period, then Invisalign works just as well as regular braces. With an orthodontist’s regular review and guidance, the system can be used to deal with all types of teeth straightening needs. That includes teeth gaps, overbites and underbites, and teeth crowding as well. As long as the patient follows the dentist’s directions correctly, Invisalign works extremely well.

Patient Eligibility:

Who can use Invisalign? The system is available for both adults and teens. Ideally, the patient’s adult teeth should have erupted and visible. A dentist’s professional evaluation is the first step to confirm all the conditions are present for a good Invisalign installation.

Time and Commitment:

What is the typical treatment time commitment involved? There is no default set time for wearing an Invisalign system, the same way there isn’t a default time period for traditional braces. A dentist’s evaluation determines the actual need and extent to which the treatment is needed, and every patient has different factors that need to be addressed. The best way to know your potential treatment period is to have a consultation with a dentist before making any decisions to commit.

Cost of Invisalign Houston:

What is the typical cost of Invisalign? Price-wise, traditional braces, and Invisalign are generally about the same. There will be some variation from patient to patient, but the national average paid for an Invisalign treatment is approximately $5,000. Keep in mind most patients’ dental insurance policies cover corrective teeth treatment, which has a big impact on the actual out of pocket expense in terms of a co-payment. Traditional braces range from $3,000 to $6,000 in comparison. And the exact expense depends on a given patient’s case, evaluation and their insurance coverage benefits.


Is the Invisalign removable and should it be removed at all? Yes, the clear aligners are removable from the mouth and can be reinserted by the patient. Typical treatment, however, requires wearing the system at least 20 to 22 hours daily. The removal of the clear aligners should only be taken out to allow for personal dental cleaning, flossing or eating. Otherwise, the system should be fully worn, even when sleeping. It can be an issue at times with younger patients that compliance rates fall below the treatment necessity. Fortunately, Invisalign has a proactive system that shows an indicator when the aligners are not being used properly.

Invisalign Tray Replacement:

If aligners can be removed, what happens if they get lost? Your dentist can order replacement aligners. It’s important to replace them as soon as possible to ensure constant treatment is being maintained on the teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment Time:

How long does an installation visit take at the dentist’s office? Fortunately, Invisalign takes less time to install than traditional braces. Unlike braces, which have multiple adjustments and wiring lengths that have to be made, Invisalign is far easier to implement. Afterward, follow-up visits are typically scheduled every four to six weeks to make any changes if needed.